Tuesday, June 23, 2009

checking in

Doris-Thank you so much for setting up this blog! It will be fun to stay in touch this way. Janae, Ohio may be a bit toasty in July-but the fireworks will be fun! Vegas sounds fun too..one of these days I want to go and check out that city!
Doris, I hope your mom continues with the good spirits. She is very brave to go through the chemo-so glad that she isn't feeling sick.
Brian is out in San Diego playing baseball for the San Diego Waves. Finally his hand has healed and he has been playing in games since June 6th. Morgan and I can't wait to go out and visit and cheer in a few weeks. Morgan is doing speed camp and weigh training at Heritage 4 mornings a week and is enjoying that-trying to really make a difference on the soccer field. She is like a bee and flitting from one social event to another when she isn't working out!
I taught Vacation Bible School last week, and have been moving into my new room one box at a time! Talk later!


doris said...

Hey, Ellen! Sounds like you're having a busy summer and the family is doing great.

Janae Snyder said...

Yes Ellen, I am so glad that your son is back in the game!!! And...San Diego!!!

Lori said...

Hi Ellen! Sounds like you are busy! I'm sure you are looking forward to visiting Brian in San Diego! That will be fun for you and Morgan!

Sara Tierney said...

Hi Ellen--
I am so sorry that we have not been able to walk together yet! We have been traveling fools. We were in Chicago when you called and then we got back and spent the last week/weekend in LA for a friend's wedding.We just got back late Monday night and we leave again next Friday for a month in Michigan! Aah...but I am around next Monday for a walk-I have to tutor but late morning but we could do it early morning (like 8ish) or afternoon. I am dying to hear how Brian is doing with baseball,thank god his hand has healed! Morgan sounds way busy as well! I hope you are not working too hard....
let me know if Monday works for you-