Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday

Hey Debbie,

I hope you have a great birthday!!!! Miss you!


debohara said...

How did you know it was my birthday? Anyway, thank you for thinking of me. I can't wait to see you, Sue and everyone else from Ames again. We'll have to get something set-up after conferences are over. I know Sue's and Lori's birthdays are coming up, too! When is yours? How ya feeling? Thanks again Janae!

Jesse said...

Facebook told me you're birthday was coming up. How old are you? Wait, I'm not suppose to ask that question, so I'll guess.

Happy 35th Birthday Deb!
(Guessing low, hopefully your laughing and appreciating it)

Also, I applied for some positions at Wilder and Centennial today, noting you as a reference, so you might be getting some phone calls. Thanks for the nice comments!

debohara said...

Hey Jesse - Welcome to our Blog!! Thank you for the b-day wish, although you're should never ask an elderly person their age. Oh-how I wish I were 35 again!

I gather you must be looking at the job postings. I hope you get hired for one of the positions. I will let you know if I get a call. Of course, I will rave about you!!

Best of luck and stay in touch!

ellen said...

I am so bummed that I forgot your birthday. I hope it was happy. I am sorry that I didn't get to spend much time with you at Terese's. Atleast I got to give you a hug. Take care.
Miss you,

Mr. R. said...